- Why is preschool important for my child?
Children who attend preschool learn how to socialize. They have better pre-reading skills, richer vocabularies, and stronger basic math skills than their peers who do not attend preschool. Children who attend preschool learn how to separate and learn how to share the attention of the teacher. Attending preschool has been linked to gains on achievement test scores, increased high school graduation rates and decreased delinquency rates as well as an overall positive effect on school readiness and school success.
- What will my child’s day look like?
Our day begins with a free breakfast for all. Classes begin the day with a morning meeting which includes greetings, reviewing the date, the weather and the events of the coming day. A structured choice time follows when multiple activities are offered covering a range of developmental skills. We have a snack time when the students and staff sit together, engaged in conversation while they eat. Story time and movement follow as a group activity. Recess occurs either outside on our preschool playground or inside in the gymnasium if it is too cold or rainy. Full day classrooms have lunch and rest time followed by an afternoon choice time, group time and recess. And, of course, there is lots of toileting and hand- washing throughout the day!
- What is the class size and student to teacher ratio?
Our classrooms currently are capped at 16 children. Most classrooms have a teacher and one Instructional Assistant.
- What is the educational background of the staff?
All of our teachers have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education and most of our teachers have earned their master’s degrees or are currently enrolled in a master’s program. Our goal is for all of our Instructional Assistants to have an Associate’s degree in Early Childhood or be enrolled in an early childhood associates degree or certificate program.
- Does my child need to be potty trained in order to enroll in preschool?
Children do not need to be potty trained in order to enroll. We provide multiple opportunities throughout the day to practice potty training and hand washing. We are happy to work with you around potty training when your child is ready.
- How is discipline handled at preschool?
Classroom rules and behavioral expectations are clear and positive behavioral guidance is given to the children to help them understand what they can and cannot do. We provide modeling, reminders, positive reinforcement, redirection and Take-A-Break for when a child needs some time to calm down before they can problem solve. We help children learn about their feelings and view these situations as opportunities for teaching children new skills.
- What do you teach at preschool?
For many children, preschool is their first opportunity in a structured, group setting with teachers and groups of children. We teach children how to be part of a group, how to take turns, how to share, how to follow instructions and how to be part of the classroom community. We focus on early literacy, math, science, technology and social studies through active play opportunities. These skills provide the building blocks for being a successful learner.
- How much does the program cost?
Our tuition rate is set by the Greenfield School Committee. Tuition for our full day programming is $596 monthly, tuition for our morning program is $358 monthly, and our afternoon program is $295 monthly. Additionally, we offer a sliding scale tuition that is based on gross annual household income and size of family. Families who wish to be considered for the sliding scale tuition are asked to provide documentation of all household income. Tuition payments may be made using cash, check or paid online via the Town of Greenfield, MA website using the city’s Unipay system.
- Is there before or after school care available?
Before and After School Program (Wrap Care) is offered depending upon staffing availability. In the event we have appropriate staffing, we offer before school care for working families from 7:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday, and our after school program is available from 3:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday (no Friday after school care). Enrollment for these programs is limited and is done on a first come, first served basis. There is an additional fee for these programs
- Is it possible to visit the program?
You may call 413-772-1390 to schedule a tour of the school. Contact with Teachers: Our teachers believe that the best learning happens when school staff and families work as a team. Teachers offer scheduled conferences twice yearly and additional meetings are available upon request. Teachers are available by email and phone and many teachers stay connected with families regularly through the REMIND app. Teachers regularly send home classroom newsletters and a school-wide newsletter is sent home monthly.