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Your Facilities Department is dedicated to providing an environment that is safe, secure, and welcoming to all students, faculty and parents who spend so much time in our schools. Our Maintenance Department repairs and renovates each school building through a Work Order System and our Custodial Department staff ensures that every school is thoroughly cleaned every day to prepare the building for the next day of school. The custodians are also there to set up all after-school programs such as plays, recitals, or community events.

Should you have any suggestions, or concerns, regarding our buildings or grounds feel free to contact our Director of Facilities & Grounds Mike Boudreau at 413-772-1406 or email

Custodian / Maintenance workers list:

Ben MurphyDistrict-wideMaintenance
Matt PhillipsDistrict-wideMaintenance
Carl RenfrewDistrict-widePart-time Maintenance
Keith UrkielAcademy of Early LearningCustodian
Tony AhearnNewton SchoolCustodian
Tim WondoloskiDiscovery School at Four CornersCustodian 
John DudekNewton School Custodian 
Shaun RichardFederal Street SchoolCustodian
Pete Tuttle Greenfield Middle School  Custodian 
Jim Van ValkenburgGreenfield Middle School  Custodian 
John AmesGreenfield High School Custodian 
Sasho PanevskiGreenfield High School Custodian 
Eric ShippeeGreenfield High SchoolCustodian
Gary ReynoldsGreenfield High SchoolCustodian
Jacob TorresFederal Street SchoolCustodian
James GirardGreenfield Middle SchoolCustodian
Michael GroverDistrict-wideFloating Custodian
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