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Budget Information

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The Greenfield Public Schools budget is a year-round process.  It is made up of monitoring and maintaining financial obligations necessary to educate all our students.  The District’s budget is presented through an all-funds (rather than just a limited set) approach to provide a complete fiscal picture of the District showing all available revenues and projected expenditures.

     There are two categories of funds available to the District:

  1. General Fund. The General Fund is the main budgetary fund for the District. It is appropriated annually and available to support District operations with few restrictions. The General Fund primarily consists of Chapter 70 State Aid and the City’s minimum local contribution.
  2. Special Revenue Funds are funds that are legally allowed to be accounted for separately from the general fund. Most special revenues are designated for specific purposes and their use is restricted to those purposes. Special revenue funds primarily consist of grant funds, including entitlement, competitive, and private grants; and revolving funds, including food service.

For more information about the Superintendent’s Budget, please scroll down.



2023 – 2024

2022 – 2023

2021 – 2022

2020 – 2021

2019 – 2020

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