The federal government provides Title I funding to schools who demonstrate a high percentage of need to ensure all children are prepared to meet the challenging state academic standards taught in the classroom. This support gives schools the tools to improve student achievement, staff development, and encourage parent involvement.
Greenfield’s Title I program provides remedial and early intervention academic support programs provided by highly-qualified teachers, specialists and tutors. Students work throughout the day with their classroom teachers and Title I specialists in small groups. With data-driven instruction, students are assessed to their skill level and interventions are put in place to help the student meet grade-level expectations. We assist our young learners with the resources and strategies to help improve literacy, reading comprehension and math skills.
Title I also supports summer school programs which have been offered to learners entering grades 1 – 8 to continue development of their reading and math skills, as well as academic habits.
Greenfield’s Title I program is a school wide program and services the high school, middle school and all three elementary schools.
Any questions regarding the district’s Title I program can be directed to Stephen Sullivan, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning at or 413-772-1315.